Caffè Terzi offers a wider support and a better performance than most of its competitors.
Caffè Terzi’s professional career starts from “behind the counter”. My wife Elena and I, first bartenders, then bartenders specialised in mixed drinks and finally Sommelier, only later started to produce Coffee on our own, because of the poor quality of the products in circulation. This has provided us – and still guarantees – a wide and thorough preparation across the entire supply chain: from product tasting to evaluation, from manual toasting to the selection of the best processing equipment, and to the choice of the bar layout, as well as the welcoming and service techniques.
This is one of the aspects that makes our Caffè Terzi a unique reality in the industry.
Many years “behind the counter”, so much time dedicated to studies and training, an extensive experience in various areas, have enabled us to maximise every effort but also to solve every kind of inconvenience and problem. Total independence from suppliers and collaborators also allows Caffè Terzi to always advise, with great transparency, the best solution for Customers.
Caffè Terzi represents the first time that a Coffee shop arises from the initiative of bartenders, starting from their specific needs and not from the roaster’s ones. Step by step, taking advantage of our original professional experience, we acquired the skills to specialize in Coffee production, starting from scratch and thus shaping a processing technique and a product completely different from the most widely used ones. The sum of these assumptions has given Caffè Terzi a superior commercial yield, a cup of strong personality, in addition to a unique profitability: the Caffè Terzi Coffee Shops, in fact, are perhaps the only ones able to generate income only serving Coffee and Tea.
To rely on Caffè Terzi means trust true professionals, with a long experience and a deep knowledge of every aspect of the supply chain, from the selection of the grain used untill the cup extraction: Bean To Cup.