Via Oberdan, at the beginning of XXth century. Between the tent and the building with the balcony of the Corona d’Oro Hotel, the old wine shop that now is Caffè Terzi


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For the bolognese version of this site we used the variant of the Bolognese dialect usually spoken by citizens living in the historical city, enclosed by boundary walls, now recognized as the official standard in almost every text written in bolognese and in official locations, as well as in Sît Bulgnaiṡ ( This same version is the one taught at the Dialetto Bolognese Course (

More info at and

Roberto Serra, born in San Giovanni in Persiceto (Bologna), is one of the most renown experts in Bolognese dialect in all Bologna districts. His work aims at the tutelage and promotion of the social and cultural value of the historical dialect, in association with the friends of the “Bâla dal Bulgnaiṡ” (

Member of the Scientific Committee of Regione Emilia Romagna for the safeguard, promotion and transmission of the dialects, Roberto, together with Daniele Vitali, is one of the editors of “Al Sît Bulgnais” ( and, since 2001, is the “Profesåur” (teacher) of the “Cåurs ed Bulgnaiṡ”, that now is the meeting point of the local culture. This experience has been repeated in every district of Emilia Romagna.

He spent years wandering throughout every corner of Emilia Romagna with Daniele Vitali for the registration of the dialectal variant and a comparative study.

In 2003 he translated “The Little Prince” by A. de Saint-Exupéry (“Al Pränzip Fangén”, Wesak, 2003 – Ed. Tintenfass, 2012) and contributed to the Bolognese grammar “Dscårret in bulgnaiṡ?” (D. Vitali, Airplane, 2009).

He is the author of “Uraziån al Sgnåur, ala Madòna, ai Sant” for the Bolognese part (Pendragon, 2012), “Fôl Bulgnaiṡi. Favole tradizionali bolognesi” (together with Amos Lelli, Pendragon, 2013), “Canzunàtt Bulgnaiṡi. Antologia della canzone bolognese” (with Gianni Cavriani, Pendragon, 2014). He is also the translator of children books in Bolognese dialect (“I trî pundghén”, Ed. Sentiero dello Gnomo, 2011; “La furzéṅna la s é pêrsa”, 2012); curator of the spell and grammar checking of several books in or about Bolognese dialect and is the “coretåur di ṡbâli” (reviewer) of the Bolognese magazine “Al Pånt dla Biånnda” whose “Direttore Irresponsabile” (Editor in Chief) is Fausto Carpani.

He was linguistic advisor for 3D Bolognese cartoons “Pizunèra” (2nd prize at the 2007 Future Film Festival) and “Pizunèra 2”, by Loop Creazioni Multimendiali.

He starred in several theatrical plays.

He also was a Bolognese talking guide during the tours of the Torre Prendiparte and Persiceto, as well as the visits at the Collezioni Comunali d’Arte, Museo della Musica, Museo della Storia di Bologna.

He’s in love with the “Bassa” and its flavours and fragrances, with autumn fogs and torrid summers, and he’s proud dad of two blonde twins.